Indian Mango Lassi Recipes - Sweet, Salty, Spicy, Fruity, Savory Options

The traditional Indian and Pakistani Lassi is a salty yogurt beverage (resembling a smoothie), made from yogurt that has a thick foamy consistency. It was traditionally savory, salty and spicy and generally included cumin powder with a range of other spices.

Sweet and fruity lassi, especially mango lassi, is a more recent creation that has become very popular in Western countries. Rose water is commonly added to sweet lassi to provide a delightful aroma.

Sweet lassi can be prepared with a wise range of fresh fruits, such as mango, pineapple, banana, lychee, apple, pear strawberry, berries, peaches, plums. Honey and coconut are also added to modern recipes as well as a variety of spices and fresh herbs, especially mint.

Like most things it is the subtle mixture and combination of ingredients and how they are paired, and matched that makes all the difference.

You can also use a wide variety of yogurts including low-fat and Greek Styles.

See the recipes for some fabulous ideas for creating lassi masterpieces.

How to Make Mango Lassi 



Peel the mangoes, extract the pulp, and slice them. Then puree the mangoes in a blender, food processor, or using a hand mixer. Taste as add sugar or honey as required. Next add the yogurt, cardamom powder, cream (optional), saffron (optional) and rose water to the blender bowl and pulse for 1 minute until the mango is well combined. Pour the mango lassi into glasses and serve with ice. 

Note: If you want a thinner consistency, add some milk or juice while blending, or ice cubes.

Best Ever Lassi Variations

The Method for the following recipes is much the same, and so only the list of ingredients is shown.


Banana and Cardamom Lassi Recipe

Fresh Mint Lassi Recipe

Plain Sweet Lassi Recipe

Salty Lassi Recipe

Method - Roast the cumin seeds in a dry pan over moderate medium heat until you can smell the aroma. Remove from the stoves and set aside to cool and then crush using a pestle and mortar. Blend all the ingredients, except of the the mint, using a food processor or blender, until very smooth. Adjust the seasoning to your taste. Serve chilled, garnished with mint or other fresh herbs.

Spicy Chili Lassi Recipe

Mixed Fruit Lassi Recipe (various fruits can be used as well, including berries)

Vegan Mixed Spice Lassi Recipe with Almond Milk

Spices to be dry ground

Blend the spice mix with a little banana and 1 1/2 cups of almond milk. Add sugar or honey to taste .

Lassi Recipe Made with Greek-style Yogurt

Simply Perfect Ripe Mango Lassi Recipe



Place the mango pulp into a blender and add the ice cubes. Pulse until the ice is finely chopped and forms a slurry. Add the cardamom, sugar, lime juice and a little milk to create the right consistency. Taste the lassi and add more sugar (or a drizzle of honey) and lime juice as required. Pour into a glass and savour. This recipe make one glass.

There are a huge variety of options for homemade lassi drinks. See some if the best ever recipes here.
There are a huge variety of options for homemade lassi drinks. See some if the best ever recipes here. Source:
Delightful mint lassi is refreshing and aromatic
Delightful mint lassi is refreshing and aromatic. Source:
Traditional potato salad Sandwich
A nice homemade Indian lassi creates a lovely mood and ambience. Try the great recipe options in this article. Source: